There are many ways to get involved in the work of iDiOM Theater.

Actors can find information about auditions at the link above and we are currently offering a year long acting program as well as shorter intensive training.

Playwrights can review our submission information. Our theater will be accepting submissions for 10-minute one acts and full-length plays from June 1 to September 1, 2023. A summer playwriting course is offered on-line June to August and registration is open.

Our audiences are an active part of our work and their support makes our shows possible. You can support iDiOM season and conservatory by making tax deductible donations through our fiscal sponsor. Becoming a season pass holder is a popular level of support and brings you to every iDiOM production of the season.

We are always enlisting volunteers for our season residencies in the fall, spring, and summer - as well as for work parties and special events. Some paid production roles are also listed on the volunteer page when they come up.

You can join email lists for the individual categories above to be kept up to date on all iDiOM developments.